5 Self Care Tips While Traveling - Eyia Retreats

Have you experienced returning home from a vacation completely depleted instead of rejuvenated? Sometimes traveling can be exhausting; there can be time change and jet-lag, things can go wrong, curveballs are thrown, bags go missing. It’s a shame to come home feeling like you need another vacation. Today we are sharing our 5 self care travel tips so you can feel your best while you are traveling, when you’re on vacation, and when you return home.


This one is simple yet powerful. Drink your water. Pack a reusable water bottle so you can always have water on you. You want to stay hydrated, especially if you are traveling by plane, which quickly dehydrates the body. Before, during, and after your flight, drink a ton of water. You may be vacationing in a new climate and your body needs water to adjust and stay balanced. For some of you, you may be drinking more alcohol and eating out for every meal. Help your body and mind function at their best by staying hydrated. However and wherever you are traveling, it is worth the pit stops to the bathroom in order to stay hydrated.


Journaling will help ground you, connect you to yourself, and give you something to take home with you that doesn’t cost any money—your precious memories. There are no rules here in journaling. Write in a way that is easy and natural to you and for however long you like. I usually like to journal in the morning, a style called morning pages, where you dump out all your thoughts on the paper so you can start your day with a clear head. But while on vacation it can be nice to journal at the end of your day so you can recount everything you did, what you enjoyed, and all the special moments you don’t want to forget. It doesn’t have to be long—you could even simply list your activities and gratitudes—you just want to get pen to paper.


Help your mind feel good! You’ve taken care of your body by staying hydrated and stretching, now it’s time to take care of your mind. Even as little as one to five minutes of meditation can make a positive impact on your day. Close your eyes if it is comfortable—you could also stare at a candle or sacred object—and connect to the natural rhythm of your breath. Set a peaceful timer and follow your breath in and out and observe what is happening in the mind and body. You can also use a meditation app with a guide. Your meditation practice will help you connect to yourself and stay present on your vacation so you can actually decompress. It will also help you stay calm if any curveballs come your way.


Journaling will help ground you, connect you to yourself, and give you something to take home with you that doesn’t cost any money—your precious memories. There are no rules here in journaling. Write in a way that is easy and natural to you and for however long you like. I usually like to journal in the morning, a style called morning pages, where you dump out all your thoughts on the paper so you can start your day with a clear head. But while on vacation it can be nice to journal at the end of your day so you can recount everything you did, what you enjoyed, and all the special moments you don’t want to forget. It doesn’t have to be long—you could even simply list your activities and gratitudes—you just want to get pen to paper.


If you go on a vacation and you don’t post it on social media, did it even happen? YES! I dare you to stay off social media while you are on vacation. There’s so much to do instead that will help you feel your best, like all the self-care tips mentioned above, not to mention reading, getting good sleep, napping, exploring, adventuring, and maybe most important of all, connecting. Connect to yourself, connect to land where you are traveling, connect to your travel buddy, connect to the locals. Actually experience your vacation instead of sharing it immediately on social media. You can always post when you get home, but I promise, you won’t regret disconnecting from social media and putting your phone away.



If you want a super easy and smooth booking and travel experience, reach out to us at Eyia Retreats. We are a boutique travel and retreat company, creating one of a kind retreats and custom travel itineraries that will leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. We will customize a travel itinerary for you and give you 24/7 support while you are on your vacation. All of your bookings will be in one place on an app so your information and confirmations are all easily accessible. We are here to support you so you have the easiest, smoothest, most fun and nourishing vacation possible.

Tell us in the comments: what’s your favorite self care practice while traveling?!