Happy 2025! Can you believe it?! We at Eyia Retreats are in awe of the passage of time and all that has come to be. We hope you had a lovely new year celebration and start to your 2025. 

If you want to center your year around wellness – we are with you! We want to help you center your year around wellness so you can feel like the best version of yourself – the version you dream of being.

Let’s get specific though. What exactly is wellness? Wellness can mean many things to many people. For us, wellness is taking care of yourself and feeling your best in your physical activity, overall health, home cooking, home environment, relationships, social life, joy, spirituality, creativity, finances, career, and education.

What are the areas of wellness you excel in? What are the areas of wellness you struggle with? Maybe you find you have many strengths as well as areas you want to improve. There is no right or wrong – this is an honest conversation with yourself and assessment of yourself so you can be the person and have the life you want.

Where to start? Decide what area of wellness is your top priority this year. What is the one area right now that you know would significantly improve your life? 

Once you determine this, you can start to make SMART goals with that in focus. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely.

Let’s say you want to focus on your physical activity this year. A vague goal that is difficult to measure success is, for example: I want to get fit. It is not specific, measurable or timely. A SMART goal would be: I want to work out a minimum 3x/week at the gym for the first three months of the year. This is specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely. Be honest with yourself – do not shoot too high and set yourself up for failure

Another example: you decide you want to focus on your finances this year. A vague goal would be: I want to be better at finances. It is not specific, measurable, or timely. A SMART goal would be: I want to sit down one time per week every Sunday to track my income and spending, and I want to make a budget for myself and stick to it, and I want to put X amount in savings every month. These are specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable and timely – again, be honest with yourself.

Try to make three SMART goals for the top three areas of wellness you want to work on this year. You can focus on one goal each month of the year and you can reassess your goals as time goes by to make sure they are still reasonable to your life and desires.

Make sure to celebrate your wins, small and big, as you attain your goals. Celebrating your wins builds confidence in yourself and your ability to set and attain goals. 

Tell us in the comments below one to three areas of wellness you want to focus on this year?