Eyia Retreats’ founder, Katrina Paraskevopoulos, aka Kat, answers a few questions about her story, background, and how Eyia Retreats was created.

Eyia Retreats is a boutique retreat and travel company specializing in experiences in Greece and select destinations around the world.

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Parocks Luxury Hotel + Spa

in Paros, Greece Review

Paros, Greece is a unique and beautiful island in the Cyclades. Is it one of the more popular islands within its cluster, but for good reason. Paros is known for its incredible beaches, traditional villages, the yummiest local cheese and potatoes and picturesque town of Naoussa. Paros has a good number of options of hotels, air bnb, and camping.

Reintroducing Eyia Retreats

In case we have not personally met yet, hello! We are Eyia Retreats! We are a boutique retreat and travel company that creates one of a kind retreats and custom travel itineraries that leave you with memories that will last a lifetime. Our mission is to educate, inspire, and support people to care for their body, mind, and soul and come back to their true self through self-discovery and whole-body rejuvenation in the healing energy of Greece. 

How to Center Your Year Around Wellness 

Happy 2025! Can you believe it?! We at Eyia Retreats are in awe of the passage of time and all that has come to be. We hope you had a lovely new year celebration and start to your 2025. If you want to center your year around wellness – we are with you! We want to help you center your year around wellness so you can feel like the best version of yourself – the version you dream of being.